Освещение куличей

11.00 Освящение куличей, яиц и пасок.
22.30 Исповедь для желающих причастится в пасхальную ночь.
23.30 Полунощница.
00.00 Пасхальный крестный ход. Утреня и Литургия.
- 27 April
- 11:00
- (~4 hours)
This is the recommended time for the event. You can arrive at any opening hours.
Location: Lamai (4310 Surat Thani, Kho Samui, 127/245 Moo 3 )
Phone: 081 423 1041
Web-site: http://churchsamui.com/
Church services are held in Russian. Those interested can be baptized or be married in the temple.
The shrines of the temple are particles of the relics of the holy saints of Matrona of Moscow, John the Baptist, Alexander Nevsky, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Gatchina, Lev Optinsky, Peter and Fevronia, Alexy the man of God.
The icons of the Nina Equal-to-the-Apostles from Georgia, the Mother of God of Kerkyra from Greece, as well as the Holy Cross of the Lord are especially honored.
Closed • will open at 09:00 (Mo)