Punch it Gym


Watch a cabaret show

Starz Cabaret
Chaweng 166/21 166/21 หมู 2 Ko Samui District, Surat Thani 84320, Thailand


Fun for all the family, young and old, couples or groups of friends . . .

  • 29 November
  • 20:30
  • (~3 hours)

Location: Chaweng (166/21 166/21 หมู 2 Ko Samui District, Surat Thani 84320, Thailand )

Phone: 0847449074

E-mail: starzcabaret@gmail.com

Web-site: https://www.starzcabaret.com/

Nightly Cabaret show 8.30pm 9.30pm 10.30pm. Entry cost of 250thb is included in your first drink.

Divas and Diamanté’s

Superstarz and Sequins

Family fun and feathers

Join us 8.30, 9.30, 10.30pm tonight!

#amazingthailand #kohsamui #chaweng #starzcabaret 

Find us on Beach Road, Chaweng - look for our signs! 

It’s a fun show for all the family! Booking only necessary for large groups. The best show on the island, fun and laughs, singing and dancing! Ladyboy Cabaret, part of the Thai Culture!!!

Always open

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