Punch it Gym

SeaGrille Restaurant

Location: Bophut (175/3 Thaveerat-Pakdee Bophut Beach Bophut, Koh Samui Surat Thani 84320 Thailand )

Phone: 077900999

E-mail: info@celesresorts.com

Web-site: https://www.facebook.com/pg/SeaGrilleRestaurant/about/?ref=page_internal

Closed • will open at 07:00 (Mo)

Monday 07:00 – 22:30
Tuesday 07:00 – 22:30
Wednesday 07:00 – 22:30
Thursday 07:00 – 22:30
Friday 07:00 – 22:30
Saturday 07:00 – 22:30
Sunday 07:00 – 22:30

A romantic restaurant just 5 minutes from the Fisherman’s Village is Seagrille. This is a part of the Celes Beachfront Resort and is an amazing venue if you want to indulge in delicious food while basking in a beautiful view.

#Thai food #European cuisine #Italian cuisine

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